Monday, April 11, 2011

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade...

New project in class on week 4 had everyone bringing a material that can be manipulated.
Using only the single material you've brought to class, work at constructing multiple 3D objects. Look at the potential and limitations of the material and use it to your advantage. The material can be manipulated in any-which way you wish, as long as it is the only material used.

4 objects are to be created :
  • 1 x object that is DENSE in its form and construction. 1/2 hour
  • 1 x object that is LIGHT/OPEN in its form and construction. 1/2 hour
  • 1 x object that is a VESSEL/CONTAINER. 1/2 hour
  • 1 x object to form a visual, structural and harmonious relationship with mystery object given by our dearest tutor. 1/2 hour
1 of these objects must include 1 single material kindly donated by one of your neighbors.

Wonder what the single material I've brought to class is???.... Egg cartons!!! ^^
A preview of the process...

Layer upon layers of sheets, twisting itself into a thick packed form.

 ...Light / Open...
A very delicate bracelet that tingles your skin, giving you that light and airy touch.

 ...Vessel / Container...
A vessel created along with the red balloons I've got from my neighbor.

...Mystery object...
Yes!!! It's a pingpong ball!!! ^^
See how cosy it's sitting inside my object...haha
The pingpong ball actually sits perfectly inside the egg carton, but instead of doing the obvious, I've flipped the egg carton over, placing the pingpong ball in the middle of the back of 4 egg vessels.... also letting the centre cone stick out at the back of my object, as though the object resembles an ice cream cone. Hahaha....

 Pingpong ice cream, anyone?!

The red balloons were cut and shredded into tiny bits.

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