A canapé is a small, prepared and usually decorative food, held in the fingers and often eaten in one bite. (Wikipedia).
In week 2, we've been asked to put on a kitchen apron, and chef up some exquisite new appetizers that would shock and astound connoisseurs around the globe.
As the new hot chef in town, I've chosen " LACE" as the main ingredient to my new appetizers.
So, here's what happen...
Step 1: Collage
Using various clippings from magazines, paper, etc, create a body of ingredients that you will use to create your canapé collages. Draw on the various idiosyncratic features of your chosen subject (in my case, LACE) for inspiration in creating your unique edible concoctions.
- Divide your pages into 4 x A5 canvases. Label each one on the back of the page with the following:- Seafood. Meat. Vegetarian. Dessert.
- Take your time to play with composition and colour harmony (or intentional disharmony if you wish). Create compositions that are dynamic and intriguing. Consider the scale and interplay of all your elements.
Spare ribs came up to my mind when I was doing the collage for 'meat'. Was thinking of the strong bone structure and muscles.... however, it didn't seem quite successful with what I did here in class, so decided to do a new one at home... ^^
Please note that the images from this collage was taken from a different magazine...
Even though this collage seems quite literal, but it's what I wanna convey, juicy meat in dumplings...slurp!!!
Step 2: Kitchen Prep
With the materials distributed to you in class, start to manipulate and distort them in a variety of ways Can you colour them, score, cut, crumple, fold, texture...etc. them in any way to remove them from their original context into something quite abstract and unrecognisable?
Create a palette of possible canapé ingredients from these materials.
Step 3: Canapé Cook Off
Using any collected materials you've brought to class alongside what our tutor provided, build a series of canapé dishes base on the collage you made and the subject matter plus a point of inspiration.
Create a platter of 6 canapés, and if you have time left, consider a potentially interesting way of presenting them to the class at the end of the day.
These canapés can be as abstract and un-food related as you wish.
- Create a basic base for each canapé from paper and build onto this base.
- Experiment with manipulating the materials you have in front of you. Try and work them into a new context.
Hmmm, such a mess on the kitchen bench.... =D
This tiny canapé was inspired by the little meat bun I had just a few days before... deliciously juicy.... slurpp!!
The crispness of the lace reminds me of the crunchy chinese white cabbage.... hehe
Shredded "blue carrot" intricately weaved and tied with "pink salmon roe" as garnish....crunchy!!! ^^
A cupcake-like canapé in a toffee basket, drizzled with dark chocolate sauce, topped with rhubarb flavoured cream......YUM!!!
Tiny little fish balls thread together with crunchy jellyfish...hmmm, just mouthwatering!!!!
Deep fried baby octopus paired with shredded "blue onion" curls and croutons....
Are you drooling yet?! hahaha....
Can you figure out which is my favourite canapé? Do they look as yummy to you as they are to me?!... LOL
Bon Appétit!!!!