Monday, April 11, 2011


We had an exhibition of our work through out the first half semester in class today. And was very very excited about presenting my work as well as looking forward to my classmates'..... They were all so interesting and great and beautiful...

Really shared our different techniques in executing, constructing, assembling all sorts of materials together, and really just have fun with them. And it's amazing how that spontaneity sparks all this incredible "thinking out of the box" ideas.... Really love this class!!! XD 

 Here's how I've set up my exhibition space.

 This is the poster I did for the 'jewels' from the A3 color photocopy machine.

 Plus drawings.

And the shoe project laid next to each other...

There's some really amazing pieces my classmates did that made me fall in love with them instantly, let me show you... ^^

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